eProS Tools - eCalc

The tool presented on this page perfoms a protein energy profile calculation. The corresponding energy profile is visualized in a 2D graph and will be mapped onto the structure shown in a JMol applet. This is meant to illustrate energetic regions in the three-dimensional space and helps to understand correspondences between structural and energetic features of a given protein.

To specify your request please insert a PDB-ID and a chain identifier or upload a local PDB-file or EP-file.
In some cases, non-standard PDB-files which are obtained by molecular modeling software or comparative modeling services cannot be read successfully by our PDB-file parser. If you find this tool not working with your own uploaded structure, it might be caused due to the formatting. Please inform us if you have trouble working with this tool. We are trying to find solutions for parsing all the numerous variants of the PDB-file format.

Plain InputFile Input

Submit your requested data to the server. Please consider that some operations can be time consuming and may need a moment for processing.